We are a community committed to create, transform, and reinvent urban places.
Farm Cultural Park is one of the most influential independent cultural centers of the contemporary cultural world and one of the most lively projects of rethinking and rebirth of dying cities.
What's on
"Varanasi: A Journey into the Infinite"
Agrigento Villa Genuardi, via Ugo La Malfa
For visits and reservations, please contact Soprintendenza di Agrigento
Curated by Farm Cultural Park, with a photographic reportage by Andrea Marcheggiani and a video contribution by Salvatore Izzo, the exhibition will offer a visual and sensory journey through one of the world’s oldest and most mysterious cities.
Varanasi, also known as Benares, is a unique center of spirituality and culture, where the sacred and prayer mark the most important moments of the day and the life of all the faithful. Visitors will be guided through an immersive experience that unveils the city in its contrasts: from the lively narrow streets, to the temples, to the ghats along the Ganges River, and the sacred ceremonies and daily cremations. The exhibition invites reflection on the essence of a city that, as the title suggests, seems to escape the bounds of time and the limits of the finite.
The project is financed by the Sicilian Region and realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Agrigento, the Valley of the Temples Archaeological Park, the Sicilian Heritage Department of Agrigento, and the Municipality of Aragona.
New Cities, built from scratch:
Astana, Forest City, Nusantara, Songdo, e The Line”
Aragona Auditorium Incompiuto,
For visits and reservations, please contact Pro Loco Aragona
0922.1552867 331.5995845
Un nuovo Padiglione di Countless Cities 2025, la Biennale delle Città del Mondo, giunta alla sua quarta edizione é dedicato alle Città di nuova fondazione di diverse parti del mondo.
Curata da Analogique e Farm Cultural Park, questo progetto espositivo per Agrigento Capitale 2025 è finanziato dalla Regione Siciliana e realizzato in collaborazione con il Comune di Agrigento, il Parco della Valle dei Templi e la Soprintendenza dei Beni Culturali e il Comune di Aragona.
Ogni città rappresenta una risposta visionaria ai problemi urbani contemporanei, dalle tecnologie smart city di Songdo, alla verticalità radicale di The Line in Arabia Saudita. Attraverso installazioni, video e immagini, il Padiglione svela le promesse e le sfide di queste utopie urbane, interrogandosi su quanto siano davvero sostenibili e inclusivi i loro modelli di sviluppo.
La mostra, ospitata all'interno di un'opera pubblica incompiuta da trent’anni ad Aragona, invita i visitatori a riflettere su come le città costruite da zero potrebbero rappresentare il futuro o rischiare di trasformarsi in distopie sociali e ambientali. Sarà un'opportunità unica per esplorare i lati più nascosti di questi progetti avveniristici e chiedersi: come possiamo costruire città che siano davvero a misura d’uomo?
Abbiamo tutto - Manca il resto!
Farm Cultural Park presents Abbiamo tutto - Manca il resto!" ( “We have everything, we just need the rest!”) the first edition of a transdisciplinary four-year event dedicated to Sicily and “its everything” as well as “to that which is missing,” an exhibition that will also see the territory and local art scene “with outside eyes” through various pavilions.
Intergenerational, inclusive, a lover of the “exploration of extravagance and excesses,” this exhibition aims to be a celebration of the creative, propulsive, and revolutionary forces of Sicily.

Can an exhibition become a tool for political reflection for Sicily?
Ligama for Hotspot Porto Empedocle
"Salvation" is the title of the first Pavilion created by the artist Salvo Ligama, curated by Farm, for the hotspot of Porto Empedocle.
This first artistic intervention is part of the two-year agreement between the Prefecture of Agrigento and Farm to improve the reception spaces for migrants, particularly the Immigration Office of Agrigento and the hotspot of Porto Empedocle.
"A very small island saved me. Land. A small embrace that holds with the strength of spring. That beauty for which there are no words, just like you don't know why you stop every evening to watch the sunset. Yet it is there, every evening. Alicudi is my daughter. Alicudi is my island. It is so small but it saved me from the storm. I recorded her voice for a few seconds, playing and laughing, as always, like an angel. And from those sound codes these colors emerged, which I blended to give to you. I hope that these small chromatic frequencies can be land for a new life. Because salvation is often in small things and I hope that each of us can somehow find it."
A Platform for Change
Farm Cultural Park is one of the most influential independent cultural centers of the contemporary cultural world and one of the most lively projects of rethinking and rebirth of dying cities.
Farm Locations
Farm in Favara
The Seven Courtyards are a kind of Sicilian Casbah. Seven small courtyards linked together are home to a series of small buildings and hide an Arabic array of small but wonderful gardens. In this suggestive context, the cultural and recreational spaces neighbor the aunts' houses. Antonia, Rosa and Maria are three of the aunts who live in the Seven Courtyards along with Vito and a few other residents.
Farm in Mazzarino
A stately owned noble palace abandoned for 25 years has been transformed into a surprising place of art, culture, education and research. The first floor houses exhibitions and installations, the second floor a Magazine Library and an stage space and the third floor a laboratory space with kitchen and roof top. Close to this building is the beautiful The Embassy of Farm, an ancient noble palace used for cultural diplomacy activities.
Farm in Palermo (opening soon)
Just a few steps from the Quattro Canti in the heart of the Historic Center, Farm in Palermo is housed within the former Convent of the Crociferi with a wonderful Cloister. It will host Countless Cities, the Museum of World Cities, to gain a deeper understanding of the history of cities, considered humanity's greatest invention.
Waiting for a sign?
By visiting Farm, you will be prompted to ask yourself who you are, where you are going, to take a stand, to become an actor in trying to change small portions of the world.
Farm in your city.
Farm Cultural Park Call for Entries 2024 - Deadline 21 giugno 2025
Do you want to land Farm in your Town? After bringing, throughout Italy, vital organs of Farm such as Sou, the School of Architecture for boys (in September there will be 25 SOUs throughout Italy) and Prime Minister, School of Politics for young women (currently 13 throughout Italy), Farm has decided to bring Farm to other cities, in collaboration with municipalities, universities, companies, foundations and philanthropic bodies or a group of active citizens; anyone can apply to host Farms in their city.
Make a donation.
Support Farm Cultural Park with a donation.
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Contact us.
Cortile Bentivegna - Sette Cortili - 92026 - Favara
408 Corso Vittorio Emanuele - 93013 - Mazzarino